Anne Marie & Wade

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Me toca a mí (I'm it)

Well - I got my first ever tag from blogdom! Morgan, aka SUPER mommy, tagged me. I am supposed to tag 7 others, but that is just not going to happen. Sorry, but I only follow a few....

Here are the rules:

-List these rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tag 7 (or two) people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

1. I fear that I am addicted to (in no particular order) the TV, chocolate, and sleeping.

2. Every year about this time, I start having nightmares from the stress of starting school again. Last night was particularly gruesome, as I was in a shootout with dogs trying to protect my sister who had ran off with a bad crowd. I had to shoot someone fatally. It was easier than you'd think. (I should mention it was particularly HOT in the room!)

3. I have eaten a Skinny Cow fudge bar every day since I have been home from Costa Rica. For 100 calories, you can't beat it (even for breakfast.)

4. Wade and I are currently dog/house-sitting for Stephanie, and we have managed to keep 3 dogs alive for several days now. These weeks will have a significant impact on whether we decide to get a dog, much less a kid. I'm leaning toward NO!

5. I love trashy TV- (remember I am an addict! It's not good to make fun of people with problems.) Real Housewives, Girls Next Door, Say Yes to the Dress, Hopkins, Tori and Dean.... I love being a voyeur, and I am pretty sure I have actually become dummer since I graduated with my master's because of it. (sic)

6. I have crushes on Alan Alda (during his M*A*S*H* days) and James Taylor (right now, not his drug-filled 70s period). We have tickets to see him at Red Rocks in a few weeks.

7. Not only am I voting for Obama, I hope to be in Invesco Stadium at Mile High as he gives his acceptance speech.

1.20.09...the end of an error

What's you got AmyD and the NG family?

1 comment:

Morgan S. said...

I LOOOOVE the Girls Next Door and I cannot explain why. I just do. Blake hates it.