Anne Marie & Wade

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

¡Feliz Navidad!

We're having a very quiet Christmas.

Earlier yesterday, our new appliances were delivered. So we spent most of Christmas Eve arranging everything. We got a new refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and microwave (yet to be installed.) We went to the Mandley's in the evening and saw lots of Wade's extended family and their little ones. It's always nice to be around little kids during Christmas time. Wade started to feel a cold coming on, so we returned home fairly early. He woke up with a sore throat etc so we decided we won't be driving to Wade's dad's for dinner like we had planned. Guess who had to go grocery shopping on Christmas day? I stocked up on oj, soup, and am going to attempt a pork tenderloin with roasted veggies. I figure he won't be able to taste very much and might not notice if I screw up horribly.

We have sunshine and brown grass here in Denver, but the snow is really falling in other parts of the world where our hearts are.... The Swansons in Portland were snowed in several days this week. Flagstaff is reporting 2-3 feet of snow and more expected. Camp Verde and Tucson are also expecting a light dusting.

Maybe Taos (our adopted niece-dog for the week) and I will go for a walk later today.

I'll remember this Christmas for a long time as it is very uneventful and simple.



Saturday, December 6, 2008

Only the Good Die Young

You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd
We aint too pretty we aint too proud
We might be laughing a bit too loud
Aw but that never hurt no one

-Billy Joel

Happy Birthday.... Miss you!